Tag character progression

John Barrymore April 17, 2024 4 minutes
Blizzard has released a preview of the new Warbands system coming to World of Warcraft. This system will allow players to integrate all of their characters on a Battle.net account, including items, collections, and progression. The goal is to make playing alternate characters easier and more enjoyable, while also clarifying which aspects of the game are account-wide versus character-specific.
John Barrymore February 07, 2024 13 minutes
Blizzard has introduced new Hero Talents for the Priest, Hunter, Mage, and Druid classes in World of Warcraft. These talents provide additional powers and class fantasies, with players being able to choose a single Hero Talent tree to activate on their character. Each tree offers unique abilities and modifications, with the goal of maintaining balance and freedom of choice for players.